PhotoMeDAS (Photogrammetric Medical Deformation Assessment Solutions)



GIFLE (Photogrammetry & Laser Scanning Research Group) has developed PhotoMeDAS (Photogrammetric Medical Deformation Assessment Solutions). PhotoMeDAS is a smart solution for cranial deformation in infants (but not only) based on patient’s head 3D modelling. GIFLE at the Department of Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), is a research group focusing on new advances in technology related to Photogrammetry, Computer Vision, Laser Scanning and Remote Sensing.


El grupo GIFLE (Grupo de Investigación en Fotogrametría y Láser Escáner) ha desarrollado PhotoMeDAS (Photogrammetric Medical Deformation Assessment Solutions). PhotoMeDAS es una solución inteligente para la deformación craneal (no solo de) bebés que se basa en el modelado 3D de la cabeza del paciente. GIFLE pertenece al Departamento de Ingeniería Cartográfica, Geodesia y Fotogrametría de la Universitat Politècnica de València (España). Es un grupo de investigación centrado en los nuevos avances tecnológicos relacionados con la Fotogrametría, la Visión por Computador, el Escaneado Láser y la Teledetección.

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Country Coverage
Healthcare & General Services
Clinical Delivery/Associations, Institutions, SocietiesClinical Delivery/Research, Development
Diagnostic and Therapy/3D Print Visualisation, Analysis
IT Systems, Solutions & Digital Health
Hospital Information Systems/Healthcare Information Systems, Software (HIS)Software and Mobile Content/App ProvidersSoftware and Mobile Content/Diagnostic SoftwareSoftware and Mobile Content/Patient Administration Systems, Clinical and Patient Portals
Rehabilitation Equipment, Devices

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